Friday, September 30, 2011


I hate to sound like a lazy bum...but I have nothing but a few blogs for eHarlequin coming up for the rest of the year. Truthfully, I have an entire book to write before December 31 and another one immediately after I'm not really lazy. :)

Still, the next real coming attractions begin in 2012. If you're a writer...check my Monday morning blog. Lately I've been talking writing there.

So...What am I doing in 2012?

March 2012 CAN THIS MANUSCRIPT BE SAVED New Zealand chapter!

April 2012 I will be doing my workshop LET CONFLICT TELL YOUR STORY FOR YOU for the STAR chapter. Go to:

April 19...JOHNSTOWNERS and surrounding areas...I will be at the Coal Miner's Cafe talking about how the publishing industry has changed and is changing!

April 27-28 I will be at the Spring Fling in Chicago doing CAN THIS MANUSCRIPT BE SAVED live.

In May 2012 I will be doing a workshop for Savvy Authors CONFLICT AND THE CATEGORY ROMANCE.

Jun 11 to July 8th, I will be doing JOURNEY STEPS for Savvy Authors.

October, SELF EDITING for the multi-genre group PENNWRITERS.

My son is getting married next year, so I may cut it off at this! LOL

We'll see!

And let's not forget! November 29 is the realease date for KISSES ON HER CHIRSTMAS LIST. I hate to say things like this, but I LOVED this one! It was fun to write. The characters were amazing. Finley (the hero's daughter) was an absolute hoot.

So you might not want to miss this one!

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